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Other functions

Get Credential

import { Bloock, IdentityClient } from '@bloock/sdk';

try {
// we set the API key and create a client
Bloock.setApiKey(process.env['API_KEY'] || "");
// we set de identity managed API host you have deployed
Bloock.setIdentityApiHost(process.env['IDENTITY_MANAGED_API_HOST'] || "");

// initialize the IdentityClient
const identityClient = new IdentityClient();

// we need the credential id, we must have been saved when we created
const savedCredentialID = "fdd4bf52-bac7-4f41-a743-5b0580168eb3"

// we can call the get credential function, and will retrieve the Credential entity
const credentialEntity = await identityClient.getCredential(savedCredentialID)


} catch (e) {

Get Schema

import { Bloock, IdentityClient } from '@bloock/sdk';

try {
// we set the API key and create a client
Bloock.setApiKey(process.env['API_KEY'] || "");
// we set de identity managed API host you have deployed
Bloock.setIdentityApiHost(process.env['IDENTITY_MANAGED_API_HOST'] || "");

// initialize the IdentityClient
const identityClient = new IdentityClient();

// we need the schema id, we must have been saved when we created
const savedSchemaID = "QmadTvnNKvj2fBDgen35uAp1TfP9pSPVCNeDWw4fitqqne"

// we can call the get schema function, and will retrieve the Schema entity
const schemaEntity = await identityClient.getSchema(savedSchemaID)

console.log(schemaEntity.cid) // Schema identifier generated from IPFS. Ex: QmadTvnNKvj2fBDgen35uAp1TfP9pSPVCNeDWw4fitqqne.
console.log(schemaEntity.cidJsonLd) // Schema in JSON-LD representation. Gives you extra information about the context.
console.log(schemaEntity.json) // represents the Schema JSON.
console.log(schemaEntity.schemaType) // the Schema type defined above.

} catch (e) {

Credential to JSON / JSON to Credential

import { Bloock, IdentityClient, Credential } from '@bloock/sdk';

try {
// we set the API key and create a client
Bloock.setApiKey(process.env['API_KEY'] || "");
// we set de identity managed API host you have deployed
Bloock.setIdentityApiHost(process.env['IDENTITY_MANAGED_API_HOST'] || "");

// initialize the IdentityClient
const identityClient = new IdentityClient();

// we need the credential id, we must have been saved when we created
const savedCredentialID = "fdd4bf52-bac7-4f41-a743-5b0580168eb3"

// we can call the get credential function, and will retrieve the Credential entity
const credentialEntity = await identityClient.getCredential(savedCredentialID)

// now we can convert the Credential entity to an string JSON
const credentialRawJson = await credentialEntity.toJson()


// and we can do the opposite step, convert a JSON credential into a Credential entity
const credEntity = await Credential.fromJson(credentialRawJson)


} catch (e) {