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Credential Offering

The credential offering process refers to the transfer of the Verifiable Credential (VC) to the assigned user or Holder. It requires two agents (Issuer and Holder) and a wallet or software where the credential will be stored. At the Holder level, this is done by scanning a QR code generated by the Issuer from the Holder's wallet. At the protocol level this communication is highly secure thanks to the DIDComm protocol used and the authentication and identity proofs mechanisms.


import { Bloock, DidMethod, IdentityClient, Key, KeyClient } from '@bloock/sdk';

try {
// we set the API key and create a client
Bloock.setApiKey(process.env['API_KEY'] || '');
// we set de identity managed API host you have deployed
Bloock.setIdentityApiHost(process.env['IDENTITY_MANAGED_API_HOST'] || '');

// initialize the Key Client
const keyClient = new KeyClient();
// initialize the IdentityClient
const identityClient = new IdentityClient();

// we must have our Issuer Baby JubJub key identifier. Ex: 6f36448d-49f3-4b0e-aa72-6e55863302e8
const savedIssuerKey = '6f36448d-49f3-4b0e-aa72-6e55863302e8';
const loadedManagedKey = await keyClient.loadManagedKey(savedIssuerKey);

// if we don't have our Issuer entity, here you can import you Issuer from the key
const importedIssuerKey = new Key(loadedManagedKey);
const issuerMethodDID = DidMethod.PolygonID;

const importedIssuer = await identityClient.importIssuer(

// we need to get the credential id, we want to make the offering
const credentialID = 'fdd4bf52-bac7-4f41-a743-5b0580168eb3';

// once we have the issuer and the credential id, we can called the offering function
const jsonOffer = await identityClient.getCredentialOffer(

console.log(jsonOffer); // it's the json result that we would convert to a QR code
} catch (e) {