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Credential Revocation

Finally, Issuer may decide to revoke or invalidate any credential. Therefore, you will have to execute the revocation process. Having a credential revoked what it means is that the Holder will not be able to generate any proof. When you revoke a credential what we are doing is generate a new Sparse Merkle Tree Proof of revocation. Therefore, we need the Issuer's state to be processed once the revocation action is executed. And obviously this state transition will be marked by the interval we have set. It is important to note that the effect of the revocation will not be visible until this Issuer state transition is executed.


import { Bloock, KeyClient, IdentityClient, DidMethod, Key } from '@bloock/sdk';

try {
// we set the API key and create a client
Bloock.setApiKey(process.env['API_KEY'] || '');
// we set de identity managed API host you have deployed
Bloock.setIdentityApiHost(process.env['IDENTITY_MANAGED_API_HOST'] || '');

// initialize the Key Client
const keyClient = new KeyClient();
// initialize the IdentityClient
const identityClient = new IdentityClient();

// we must have our Issuer Baby JubJub key identifier. Ex: 6f36448d-49f3-4b0e-aa72-6e55863302e8
const savedIssuerKey = '6f36448d-49f3-4b0e-aa72-6e55863302e8';
const loadedManagedKey = await keyClient.loadManagedKey(savedIssuerKey);

// if we don't have our Issuer entity, here you can import you Issuer from the key
const importedIssuerKey = new Key(loadedManagedKey);
const issuerMethodDID = DidMethod.PolygonID;

const importedIssuer = await identityClient.importIssuer(

// we create the credential, passing credential information
const schemaCID = 'QmadTvnNKvj2fBDgen35uAp1TfP9pSPVCNeDWw4fitqqne'; // schema identifier created before. Ex: QmadTvnNKvj2fBDgen35uAp1TfP9pSPVCNeDWw4fitqqne. REQUIRED.
const holderDID =
'did:polygonid:polygon:main:2q544HUegzeRpwr3V2qu9eMwgrAmF5x4E1NCPzbQc4'; // the DID of the Holder to whom the credential will be associated. REQUIRED.
const expiration = 4089852142; // unix timestamp when the credential will expire. REQUIRED.
const credentialVersion = 0; // credential version. By default it's set to 0. REQUIRED.

const receipt = await identityClient
.withIntegerAttribute('number', 1)
.withDecimalAttribute('salary', 3000.7)
.withStringAttribute('nif', '54688188M')
.withBooleanAttribute('previous_formation', true)
.withDateAttribute('birth_date', new Date(1999, 3, 20))
.withDateTimeAttribute('time_registered', new Date(
.withStringAttribute('country', 'spain')
.withIntegerAttribute('brother', 1)
.withDecimalAttribute('height', 1.7)

// once the credential created, we need to get the credential itself
const credential = receipt.credential;

// with the issuer and the credential we then could call the revocation function
const ok = await identityClient.revokeCredential(credential, importedIssuer);
if (!ok) {
throw new Error('Unexpected result');

// right now the credential it's revoked, but we need to wait our interval issuer state transition to be executed
} catch (e) {