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BloockProvides a centralized configuration for the Bloock SDK library. For information about Bloock SDK in Go, see



AuthenticityClientRepresents a client for interacting with the Bloock Authenticity service.
AvailabilityClientRepresents a client for interacting with the Bloock Availability service.
EncryptionClientRepresents a client for interacting with the Bloock Encryption service.
IdentityClientRepresents a client for interacting with the Bloock Identity service.
IdentityCoreClientRepresents a client for interacting with the Bloock Identity service.
IntegrityClientProvides functionality to interact with the Bloock Integrity service.
KeyClientProvides functionality to interact with the Bloock Keys service.
RecordBuilderAssists in constructing records with various configurations.
RecordClientProvides functionality for creating records using various data sources and to interact with the Bloock Record service.
WebhookClientProvides functionality for interacting with Bloock webhooks.






HashAlgRepresents different hash algorithms.
SignatureRepresents a cryptographic signature along with additional metadata.
SignatureAlgRepresents different signature algorithms.
SignatureHeaderJwsRepresents the header of a JSON Web Signature (JWS). RFC 7515.
SignatureJwsRepresents a JSON Web Signature (JWS). RFC 7515.
SignerRepresents a signer with various key types and additional configurations.



HostedLoaderRepresents a loader for hosted data availability.
HostedPublisherRepresents a publisher for hosted data availability.
IpfsLoaderRepresents a loader for IPFS data availability.
IpfsPublisherRepresents a publisher for IPFS data availability.
LoaderArgsRepresents the arguments for a data loader.
PublisherArgsRepresents the arguments for a data publisher.





EncrypterRepresents an encryption configuration with various key types and access control.
EncryptionAlgRepresents encryption algorithm types.



AttributeRepresents an attribute with an identifier and a corresponding value.
AttributeDescriptorRepresents a descriptor for an attribute.
BooleanAttributeRepresents an attribute with a boolean value.
BooleanAttributeDescriptorRepresents a descriptor for a boolean attribute.
CredentialRepresents a verifiable credential with its associated information. Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0.
CredentialBuilderHelps construct credentials by specifying various attributes.
CredentialCoreBuilderHelps construct credentials by specifying various attributes.
CredentialProofRepresents the proof associated with a credential, including signature and sparse merkle tree proof.
CredentialReceiptRepresents a receipt for a credential, including the credential itself, its ID, and type.
CredentialSchemaRepresents the schema information for a credential, including its ID and type.
CredentialStatusRepresents the status information for a credential, including its ID, revocation nonce, and type.
DateAttributeRepresents an attribute with a date value, including its key and formatted value.
DateAttributeDescriptorRepresents a descriptor for a date attribute, including its display name, ID, description, and required status.
DatetimeAttributeRepresents an attribute with a datetime value.
DatetimeAttributeDescriptorRepresents a descriptor for an attribute with a datetime value.
DecimalAttributeRepresents an attribute with a decimal value.
DecimalAttributeDescriptorRepresents a descriptor for an attribute with a decimal value.
DecimalEnumAttributeDescriptorRepresents a descriptor for an attribute with a decimal enum value.
DidRepresents a DID.
DidMethodRepresents the type of method did.
HolderRepresents a Holder identity.
IntegerAttributeRepresents an attribute with an integer value.
IntegerAttributeDescriptorRepresents a descriptor for an attribute with an integer value.
IntegerEnumAttributeDescriptorRepresents a descriptor for an attribute with an integer enum value.
IssuerRepresents an Issuer identity.
IssuerStateReceiptRepresents a receipt for the issuer's state.
PublishIntervalParamsRepresents different publish intervals.
SchemaRepresents a schema with its attributes.
SchemaBuilderIs a builder pattern for constructing schema instances.
StringAttributeRepresents an attribute with a string value.
StringAttributeDescriptorRepresents a descriptor for an attribute with a string value.
StringEnumAttributeDescriptorRepresents a descriptor for an attribute with a string enum value.
VerificationReceiptRepresents a receipt for a verification session.



AnchorRepresents information about an anchor.
AnchorNetworkRepresents information about an anchor network.
NetworkRepresents a network.
ProofRepresents a proof, including leaves, nodes, depth, bitmap, and anchor information.
ProofAnchorRepresents a proof anchor.
RecordReceiptRepresents a receipt for a record, including anchor ID, client, record, and status information.



AccessControlRepresents access control information, including Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) and secret-based access.
AccessControlSecretRepresents a secret used for secret-based access control.
AccessControlTotpRepresents a Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) code used for access control.
AccessControlTypeRepresents the access control type a cryptographic key.
CertificateTypeRepresents the type of certificate.
EcdsaKeyPairRepresents an ecdsa key pair, with private and public key.
ImportCertificateParamsRepresents the parameters for importing a certificate.
KeyRepresents a key entity that can be either a ManagedKey or a LocalKey.
KeyPairRepresents a pair of public and private keys.
KeyProtectionLevelRepresents the protection level of a cryptographic key.
KeyTypeRepresents the type of cryptographic key.
LocalCertificateRepresents a local certificate along with its password.
LocalCertificateArgsRepresents the parameters for generating a local certificate.
LocalKeyRepresents a local key with its public and private components.
ManagedRepresents a managed entity that can be either a ManagedKey or a ManagedCertificate.
ManagedCertificateRepresents a managed certificate with its details.
ManagedCertificateParamsRepresents parameters for creating a managed certificate.
ManagedKeyRepresents a managed key.
ManagedKeyParamsRepresents the parameters for creating a managed key.
RsaKeyPairRepresents a rsa key pair, with private and public key.
SubjectCertificateParamsRepresents parameters for generating a subject certificate.
TotpAccessControlReceiptRepresents a receipt for a Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) access control.



AuthenticityDetailsRepresents details related to the authenticity of a record, including signatures.
AvailabilityDetailsRepresents details related to the availability of a record, including content type and size.
EncryptionDetailsRepresents details related to the encryption of a record, including algorithm, key, and subject.
IntegrityDetailsRepresents details related to the integrity of a record, including hash and proof.
RecordRepresents a record with payload, hash, and configuration data.
RecordDetailsRepresents all details related to a record, including integrity, authenticity, encryption, and availability details.

Automatically generated on 2024-04-02