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Key custody

In BLOOCK, you can create any key using different custody modes:

  • Local mode: The local mode consists of creating a key where the user stores it's private information.
  • Management mode: The managed mode consists of creating a key secured by the BLOOCK service using a FIPS 140-2 Level 1 certified software-protected infrastructure.

In any case we do not have the private key, your key will be stored in a software-protected service that complies with the security level of FIPS 140-2 Level 1 certified.

Local ModeManaged Mode
Key GenerationUsers generate and store their own keysKeys are generated and managed by BLOOCK
StorageKeys stored locally on the deviceKeys stored centrally by BLOOCK
ScalabilityLimited scalability due to local storageGreater scalability due to centralized storage by BLOOCK
SecurityDepends on user's security practicesEnhanced security as managed by BLOOCK
ManagementUsers are responsible for key managementBLOOCK handles key management