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IntegrityDetails Objects

class IntegrityDetails()

Represents details related to the integrity of a record, including hash and proof.


def __init__(hash: str, proof: Proof | None) -> None

Constructs a IntegrityDetails object with the specified parameters.

AuthenticityDetails Objects

class AuthenticityDetails()

Represents details related to the authenticity of a record, including signatures.


def __init__(signatures: List[Signature]) -> None

Constructs a AuthenticityDetails object with the specified parameters.

EncryptionDetails Objects

class EncryptionDetails()

Represents details related to the encryption of a record, including algorithm, key, and subject.


def __init__(alg: str | None, key: str | None, subject: str | None) -> None

Constructs a EncryptionDetails object with the specified parameters.

AvailabilityDetails Objects

class AvailabilityDetails()

Represents details related to the availability of a record, including content type and size.


def __init__(type: str | None, size: int) -> None

Constructs a AvailabilityDetails object with the specified parameters.