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Key management involves the creation, storage, distribution, and destruction of cryptographic keys. Cryptographic keys are used to secure sensitive data and communication by encrypting/decrypting and digitally signing/verifying messages. Effective key management is essential for ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information in secure communication systems.

The process of key management typically includes the following steps:

  1. Key generation: Keys are generated using cryptographic algorithms that produce a unique set of characters or numbers. The key must be long enough and complex enough to ensure that it cannot be easily guessed or hacked.
  2. Key storage: Keys must be stored securely to prevent unauthorized access. Depending on the type of system, keys may be stored on hardware devices, in software applications, or on paper.
  3. Key distribution: Keys must be distributed to authorized parties in a secure manner. This may involve encrypting the key using a public key cryptography method or transmitting it through a secure channel.
  4. Key usage: Keys are used to encrypt and decrypt messages or data. The key must be used correctly to ensure that the data is protected.
  5. Key revocation: Keys must be revoked or destroyed when they are no longer needed or compromised. This ensures that data remains protected even if the key is lost or stolen.

Effective key management is essential for ensuring the security of sensitive information. Failure to properly manage keys can result in data breaches, identity theft, and other security threats. Organizations must develop policies and procedures for key management that are consistent with industry standards and best practices.

BLOOCK allows to manage keys in an effective way by offering both a local or managed approach based on the requirements and expertise of our customers, and allowing in both cases the use of those keys with our authenticity and encryption solutions.